Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Meets 3

Softskill_Meeting 3
In 776 B.C., the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greeks’ chief god, Zeus. The warm climate for outdoor activities, the need for preparedness in war, and their lifestyle caused the Greeks to create competitive sports. Only the elite and military could participate at first, but later the games were open to all free Greek males who had no criminal record. The Greeks emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. Therefore, contest in running, jumping, discuss and javelin throwing, boxing, and horse and chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed every four years at Mount Olympus. Winners were greatly honored by having olive wreaths placed on their heads and having poems sung about their deeds. Originally these contests were held as games of friendship, and any wars in progress were halted to allow the games to take place. They also helped to strengthen bonds among competitors and the different cities represented.
            The Greeks attached so much importance to the games that they calculated time in four-year cycles called “Olympiads,” dating from 776 B.C. The contest coincided with religious festivities and constituted an all-out effort on the part of the participants to please the gods. Any who disobeyed the rules were dismissed and seriously punished. These athletes brought shame not only to themselves, but also to the cities they represented.
1. Which of the following is NOT true?
a.       Winners placed olive wreaths on their own heads.
b.      The games were held in Greece every four years.
c.       Battles were interrupted to participate in the games.
d.      Poem glorified the winners in song.

Answer : (C) Battles were interrupted to participate in the games

2. The word “elite” in line 5 is closest in meaning to…
a.       Aristocracy                                  c. intellectuals
b.      Brave                                            d. muscular

Answer : (A) Aristocracy / Bangsawan

3. Why were the Olympic Games held?
a.       To stop wars                               c. To crown the best athletes
b.      To honor Zeus                            d. To sing songs about the athletes

Answer : (B) To honor Zeus
Maksudnya : pada zaman dulu, awalnya olimpiade diselenggarakan untuk menghormati Dewa Zeus.

4. Approximately how many years ago did these games originate?
a.       800 years             b. 1,200 years                        c. 2,300 years                        d. 2,800 years

Answer : (C) 1000-776+2012 = 2236 or 2300 years

5. What conclusion can we draw about the ancient Greeks?
a.       They were pacifists.
b.      They believed athletic events were important
c.       They were very simple
d.      They couldn’t count, so they used “Olympiads” for dates

Answer : (B) They believed athletic events were important

6. What is the main idea of this passage?
a.       Physical fitness was an integral part of the lives of the ancient Greeks
b.      The Greeks severely punished those who did not participate in physical fitness programs
c.       The Greeks had always encouraged everyone to participate in the games
d.      The Greeks had the games coincide with religious festivities so that they could go back to war when the games were over.

Answer : (D) The Greeks had the games coincide with religious festivities so that they could go back to war when the games were over

7. In line 14, the word “deeds” is closest in meaning to
a.       Accomplishments
b.      Ancestors
c.       Documents
d.      Property

Answer : (A) Accomplishments / Keikutsertaaan

8. Which of the following was ultimately required of all athletes competing in the Olympics?
a.       They must have completed military service
b.      They had to attend special training sessions
c.       They had to be Greek males with no criminal record
d.      They had to be very religious

Answer : (C) They had to be Greek males with no criminal record
Maksudnya : hanya pria Yunani yang tidak memiliki catatan kriminal yang boleh berpartisipasi di olimpiade.

9. The word “halted” in line 16 means most nearly the same as ..
a.       Encourages
b.      Started
c.       Curtailed
d.      Fixed

Answer : (A) Encourages

10. What is an “Olympiad”?
a.       The time it took to finish the games
b.      The time between games
c.       The it took to finish a war
d.      The time it took the athletes to train

Answer : (B) The time between games

1. The defendant refused to answer the prosecutor’s questions ____________
a.       Because he was afraid it would incriminate him.
b.      For fear that they will incriminate him
c.       Because he was afraid that his answers would incriminate him
d.      Fearing that he will be incriminated by it

Answer : (C) Because he was afraid that his answers would incriminate him

2. Mrs. Walker has returned_______________
a.       A wallet back to its original owner
b.      To its original owner the wallet
c.       The wallet to its originally owner
d.      The wallet to its original owner

Answer : (A) A wallet back to its original owner

3. The hospital owes____________ for the construction of the new wing.
a.       The government twenty million dollars
b.      For the government twenty million dollars
c.       To the government twenty million dollars
d.      Twenty million of dollars to the government

Answer : (D) Twenty million of dollars to the government

4. Sarah ____________ that she could not attend classes next week.
a.       Told to her professors
b.      Said her professors
c.       Told her professors
d.      Is telling her professors

Answer : (A) Told to her professors

5. The artist was asked to show some paintings at the contest because___________
a.       He painted very good
b.      They believed he painted well
c.       Of their belief that he was an good artist
d.      The judges had been told of his talents

Answer : (B) They believed he painted well

6. If motorists do not observe the traffic regulations, they will be stopped, ticketed, and
                                                 A             B                                                             C                  
        have to pay a fine.
        The wrong Answer : (C) They

7. Fred, who usually conducts the choir rehearsals, did not show up last night
                                                                                  A                                      B
          because he had an accident on his way to the practice.
                                   C                                       D
         The wrong Answer : (D) on his way to the practice
         True answer : at his way to the practice

8. A short time before her operation last month, Mrs. Carlyle dreams of her daughter
                        A                                                   B                                               C
         who lives overseas.
The wrong answer : (A) A short time
True answer : A few minutes ago

9. The atmosphere in Andalucía is open, warm, and gives a welcome feeling to all
                                                       A                                                       B
who have the good fortune to visit there.
              C                  D
The wrong answer : (B) gives a welcome feeling

10. Some of the people were standing in the street watched the parade,
               A                                   B                                        C
            while others were singing songs.
The wrong answer : (A) of the
True answer : just “of” without “the”

Selasa, 03 April 2012

Tulisan Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Subject-Verb Agreement
Rule (ketentuan) yang paling penting dalam bahasa Inggris adalah bahwa antara subject dengan verb harus in agreement. Artinya, jika subject-nya singular maka verb-nya juga harus singular. Sebaliknya, jika subject-nya plural maka verb-nya juga harus plural.

1. Singular subject – singular verb

Yang dimaksud dengan singular subject adalah subject pronoun he, she, dan it, atau nouns yang dapat digantikan dengan he, she atau it; Sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan singular verbs adalah verb1+es/s, is/was, serta verb phrase seperti: is/was + verb-ing/verb3, has +verb3, has been verb-ing dan has been verb3.
Pola-pola singular subject-singular verb disajikan pada tabel berikut:

  *Jika kalimatnya tidak menggunakan verb, kita gunakan to be.

2. Plural subject – plural verb. Yang dimaksud dengan plural subject adalah subject pronouns seperti I, we, you, they, dan semua plural nouns. Sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan plural verbs adalah verbs dan verb phrase selain singular verbs di atas.
Pola-pola plural subject-plural verb disajikan pada tabel berikut:
Plural subject Plural verb Tense

*Jika kalimatnya tidak menggunakan verb (kalimat nominal), maka digunakan to be : Plural subject Plural verb Tense.

Contoh: Singular subject-singular verb Plural subject-plural verb

Bagaimana subject-verb agreement pada tensis lain yang tidak disebutkan di atas? Bentuk verb atau verb phrase pada tensis-tensis yang tidak disebutkan di atas baik ketika subject-nya singular maupun plural adalah sama.

1.  The elevator worked very well yesterday. (Lift itu berfungsi dengan baik kemarin)
2.  The elevators worked very well yesterday. (Lift-lift itu berfungsi dengan baik kemarin).
3. Andi had gone before Ani arrived. (Andi telah pergi sebelum Ani tiba).
4. Andi and Amir had gone before Ani arrived. (Andi dan Amir telah pergi sebelum Ani tiba).
5.  My mother will go to Bali tomorrow. (Ibuku akan pergi ke Bali besok).
6.  My mother and my father will go to Bali tomorrow. (Ibuku dan ayahku akan pergi ke Bali besok).
7.  Jenny would have passed the test if she had studied well. (Jenny telah lulus ujian jika dia telah belajar dengan baik).
8.  Jenny and Julie would have passed the test if they had studied well. (Jenny dan Julie telah lulus ujian jika mereka telah belajar dengan baik).

Pada contoh-contoh di atas, kita lihat bahwa subject-nya langsung diikuti oleh verb. Selanjutnya, mari kita bahas subject-verb agreement ketika subject dipisahkan oleh prepositional phrase atau oleh ungkapan-ungkapan (expression).

A. Subject – verb agreement ketika dipisahkan oleh prepositional phrase

Jika antara subject dengan verb dipisahkan oleh prepositional phrase(2 atau lebih kata yang diawali oleh preposition), prepositional phraseini tidak berpengaruh terhadap verb. Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah apa subject kalimatnya. Jika subject-nya singular maka verb-nya juga harus singular, sedangkan jika subject-nya plural maka verb-nya juga harus plural.

Singular subject + (prepositional phrase) + singular verb
Plural subject + (prepositional phrase) + plural verb

1.  The study of languages is very interesting. (singular subject) (Mempelajari bahasa sangat menarik).
2.  Several theories on this subject have been debated. (plural subject) (Beberapa teori tentang subyek ini telah diperdebatkan).
3.  The view of these disciplines varies from time to time. (singular subject) (Kajian tentang disiplin ilmu ini berubah-ubah dari waktu ke waktu).
4.  The danger of forest fires is not to be taken seriously. (singular subject) (Bahaya kebakaran hutan tidak ditangani secara serius).
5.  The effects of that crime are likely to be devastating. (plural subject) (Pengaruh kejahatan mungkin menghawatirkan) .
6.  The fear of rape and robbery has caused many people to flee the cities. (singular subject). (Ketakutan terhadap pemerkosaan dan perampokan telah menyebabkan banyak orang meninggalkan kota-kota besar).
7.  The boys in the room are studying (plural subject). (Anak-anak di dalam kamar sedang belajar).

B. Subject – verb agreement ketika dipisahkan oleh together with, along with, as well as.

Selain prepositional phrase di atas, ekspresi-ekspresi seperti together, with, along with, accompanied by, dan as well as, juga tidak berpengaruh terhadap verb. together with
along with accompanied by as well as.
1.   The actress, along with her manager and some friends, is going to a party tonight. (Artis itu, bersama-sama dengan manager dan beberapa temannya, akan pergi ke pesta malam ini).
2.   Mr. Julianto, accompanied by his wife and children, is arriving tonight. (Pak Julianto, ditemani oleh istri dan anak-anaknya, akan tiba malam ini).
3.   My wife as well as I is a volleyball player. (Istri saya begitu juga saya adalah seorang pemain bola volley).
Penggunaan together with, along with, accompanied by, dan as well as, dalam pola seperti ini hanya menambahkan informasi tambahan. Jika ekspresi tersebut dihilangkan, makna inti dari kalimat tersebut tidak berubah, yaitu:

The actress is going to a party tonight.

Mr. Julianto is arriving tonight.

My wife is a volleyball player.

Sebaliknya, jika conjunction ‘and‘ digunakan untuk menggantikan ekspresi-ekspresi di atas, maka verb-nya berubah menjadi plural. Contoh:

The actress and her manager are going to a party tonight.

Mr. Julinto and his wife and children are arriving tonight.

My wife and I are volleyball players. (Istri saya dan saya adalah pemain-pemain bola volley).

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